Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Who am I?

I am the giver to the needy
I am the helper to the helpless
I am the listener to the bemused
I am the caretaker to the frail
I am the healer to the poorly

I am the anger of the infuriated
I am the hate of the intolerable
I am the fear of the frightful
I am the irritation to the impatient
I am the vengeance of the resentful
I am the sickness of the ill

I am the bliss of the heavenly
I am the joy of the merry
I am the love of the follower
I am the passion of the lover
I am the patience of the enduring
I am the peace of the peaceful
I am the forgiveness of the forgiven
I am the gratitude of the grateful

I am the pain that consumers your body
I am the addiction that consumes your mind
I am the angst that consumes your emotions

I am the joy of a smile from a father
I am the angst in the mind of a mother
I am the ecstasy in the groins of a lover

I am the lost
I am the found
I am everything
I am nothing

I am human
I am ego
I am sprit

I am the eternal seeker
I am the awakened master

I am YOU!

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