Monday, December 22, 2008

I remember

I remember your love
I remember your smile
I remember your passion
I remember your ecstacy

Wrapped around my heart
Entrenched in my soul

You inspired my love
You inspired my smile
You inspired my passion
You inspired my ecstacy

Wrapped around my heart
Entrenched in my soul

I am grateful for the pain
I am grateful for the hurt
I am grateful for the loss
I am grateful for the despair

Wrapped around my heart
Entrencehd in my soul

For it means that I loved
And it means that I shared

For it means for one moment
I connected

I sought comfort
And found it

I sought love
And found it

In your arms
In your eyes
In your touch

I touched heaven
I touched the light
And it was awesome …

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh sad heart ...

Oh sad heart,
What is that you need
You weigh me down
You strangle me
My joy
My bliss
You steal from me

Oh sad, heart
What is that you seek
Do you need to see me fall
Do you need to see me bleed

I cannot breathe
Consumed by your sadness
Echoing in my mind
Echoing in my heart

Speak to me dear heart
Tell me what you need to heal
Is it love
Is it warmth
A long kiss
A strong embrace

What is it that you seek

Frustration boils within me
As I cannot satisfy your moans
I cannot make you whole
I cannot make you heal

What is that you seek

Can you no longer bleed
Can you no longer need
Can you no longer feed

Take me if you will
Allow me to be

Choose the blackness of night
Choose the warm glow of the light
Choose …

Friday, December 19, 2008

I surrender

From birth, it seems
Greatness flowed from within me
Fiery intent

Achievement came to me
Intense focus
Intense learning
Intense pleasure

After all this
I am nothing
I am empty
years wasted?

Aching from within

I fell down
I drowned
I cried
I screamed
I fell down gain

And now, I am a child again
Searching for my mothers bossom

I know nothing

I surrender …

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I still long for you
I still long to talk to you
I still long to hold you

I still long to see your smile
I still long to hear your laugh
I still long to have you by my side

I still long to hear your troubles
I still long to tell you mine

I still long to hold your hand
I still long to caress your skin

I still long to lie with you
I still long to dance with you

I still long to play with you
I still long to dream with you

After all this time
I still long for you

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am fear

I am Fear
I am that which controls your mind
I am that which captures your soul

As I enter your fragile mind
I consume your joy
I strangle your peace
I am all mighty and strong

I wrap you in a thick blanket
Of anger
Of hate
Of despair

Feel my cords around your throat
Tightening my grip
Your quickening breath
There is no way out

You cannot fight
You cannot flee
You cannot escape

I devour your mind
I devour your soul
I devour your body

Your panic gives me strength
Your apathy gives me hope
Your ignorance give me depth

Feel me scratching your
Bleed for me
Feel me strangling you
Gasp for me
Feel me devouring you
Give yourself to me

For I am the teacher
I am the gateway
Walk through me!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beautiful Tree

O’ Beautiful tree
Your eyes upon me
Give me the foundation
Of your roots
Deep into the depths of the earth
Ground Me

O’ Beautiful tree
Your eyes upon me
Give me the power
Of your body
You are mighty and strong
Strengthen me

O’ Beautiful tree
Your eyes upon me
Give me the freedom
Of your branches
Swaying blissfully in the wind
Free me

O’ Beautiful tree
Your eyes upon me
Give me the splendour
Of your blossoms
Radiating to the world
Inspire me

O’ Beautiful tree
Your eyes upon me
Give me the vitality
Of your fingers
Soaking up the magnificent sun
Invigorate me

You are the foundation, that grown men seek
You are the power, that grown men seek
You are the freedom, that grown men seek
You are the beauty, that grown men seek
You are the invigoration, that grown men seek

And yet
You do not fret
You do not fright
For you know your place in this world

And in all your magnificent glory
You give life, to those who breathe
You give health, to those who bleed
You give home, to those who need

Stand proud O’ Beautiful tree
You are honored on this day

For You give, without complaint
For You give, without concern
For You give without contemplation

For you honour your place in this world!


You pierce me like a knife
Deep into my soul
My heart aches
My heart bleeds
Drip, drip, drip

Leave me to tend my wounds

Your pain, charges through my mind,
Your pain, wrenches through my body
Your pain, screeches through my soul

Leave me to tend to my bruise

I remember,

You molest my joy
You assault my bliss
You bludgeon my peace

I do not wish to remember
I do not wish to forget

Leave me now
Stay forever

I remember!

Child of mine

Borrowed to my frightened heart
To teach
To bless
To love
You are so big

Your sweet smile
Your warm embrace
Your quiet words
Your angry dance

Allow me to love you
Allow me to hold you
Allow me to nurture you

Teach me patience
Teach me love
Teach me innocence
Teach me freedom

Feel my arms embrace your innocent heart
Feel my love embrace your aching soul
Feel my words embrace your challenging mind
Feel my touch embrace your wounded skin

Be free
Be love
Be joy

Who am I?

I am the giver to the needy
I am the helper to the helpless
I am the listener to the bemused
I am the caretaker to the frail
I am the healer to the poorly

I am the anger of the infuriated
I am the hate of the intolerable
I am the fear of the frightful
I am the irritation to the impatient
I am the vengeance of the resentful
I am the sickness of the ill

I am the bliss of the heavenly
I am the joy of the merry
I am the love of the follower
I am the passion of the lover
I am the patience of the enduring
I am the peace of the peaceful
I am the forgiveness of the forgiven
I am the gratitude of the grateful

I am the pain that consumers your body
I am the addiction that consumes your mind
I am the angst that consumes your emotions

I am the joy of a smile from a father
I am the angst in the mind of a mother
I am the ecstasy in the groins of a lover

I am the lost
I am the found
I am everything
I am nothing

I am human
I am ego
I am sprit

I am the eternal seeker
I am the awakened master

I am YOU!


You engulf me like a plague
Strangling the life force out of me
Like a thick black cancer
Consuming my breath
Controlling my mind

How do I break free from your hold?

Black cloud that obscured my vision
I cannot see through you
I cannot walk through you

Panic sets in
Your hold tightens,
Release me!

You will not last
You will pass
You will dissipate
You will dissolve

Go back to the nothingness from where you came

Leave me
Break free
Release me!

I forgive you

I forgive you for not always being there for the people in your life
I forgive you for losing your temper
I forgive you for being selfish
I forgive you for breaking down
I forgive you for your resistance to the change in your life
I forgive you for being angry
I forgive you for crying
I forgive you for getting frustrated with your situation
I forgive you for letting people down
I forgive you for letting others suffer
I forgive you for not being perfect
I forgive you for berating yourself
I forgive you for being so hard on yourself
I forgive you for not being able to quieten your mind at times
I forgive you for caring too much
I forgive you for not being able to let go


your smile which warmed me
your voice which comforted me
your laugh which consumed me
your touch which surrounded me
your energy which consumed me

I miss you ....

sadness surrounds me now

I am walking my path
I am awakening to life
I am letting the light in

I still miss you

sadness surrounds me now

I wish you joy
I wish you peace

May the angels surround you
Engulf you in love and peace

May you heal
May you achieve greatness
May all this will be worthwhile

Be free .....

The bonds that tie

two great leaps forward into the light
and back again
Back into the darkness and into the pain
Release me from this pitiful state
Relase me from this pain
Release me from this anguish

What is it that you want from me
I cannot do this alone

I will not suffer anymore
Reveal yourself to me
Reveal your intensions and release me

Fill me with your light
I am open to your love
I am open to your divine intention

I cannot break free
You hold me down
My legs are scarred
The rope consumes me

Let me in, let me out
Give me the peace that I seek
Let me be, let me live, let me love

I cry out in pain
I scream out in anger
Release me from your clutches

You are free ... move on ... leave me ...


Aching heart, I feel you
I know you pain
I know you anger
I know you fear

You are love
You are light
You are what you seek

Aching mind, I hear you
I know you want
I know you need
I know you bleed

You are love
You are light
You are what you seek

Aching body, I feel you
I know you need
I know you bleed
I know you pain

You are love
You are light
You are what you seek

Aching soul, I am you
I know your love
I know your light
I know your guide

You are love
You are light
You are what you seek

Break free my soul, surrender to now, allow the love to surround you, to emanate from within

This aching heart of mine

Aching ,
Filled only for a moment at a time
Drip by drip
Slowly losing the battle
Filled only for a moment
Filled only for a moment
All is lost
Going nowhere
Nothing to fill


Up and down

Should I?
Shouldn't I?
Do I want to?
Don't I want to?

Where are you mind
Come back to me
Take control

Reach out
Spread out
Get out! Stay out!

Where are you heart
Beating slowly
Beating fast

Slow down
Breath deeply
Calming, beating

Rushing, fleeting
touching, feeling
Race into the stars



Flee passion
Flee aggresion
Flee addiction

Where are you?


Feel passion
Feel aggresion
Feel addiction

I need you!!!


A battle lost
Never ending love

Withered Love
Promise of happiness

The sun has set
Dream of hope

hope is gone
will there be light?


Lost in an illusion
Lost in a place that is not real

Lost in your eyes, lost in the thought of seeing your smile

Dream of an illusion
Dream of a place that is not real

Dream of your touch, dream of a moment stolen in time.

Lust in the illusion
Lust in the place that is not real

Lust for your kiss, lust for the feel of your body against

Child of Mine

Borrowed to my frightened heart
To teach
To bless
To love
You are so big

Your sweet smile
Your warm embrace
Your quiet words
Your angry dance

Allow me to love you
Allow me to hold you
Allow me to nurture you

Teach me patience
Teach me love
Teach me innocence
Teach me freedom

Feel my arms embrace your innocent heart
Feel my love embrace your aching soul
Feel my words embrace your challenging mind
Feel my touch embrace your wounded skin

Be free
Be love
Be joy


You pierce me like a knife
Deep into my soul
My heart aches
My heart bleeds
Drip, drip, drip

Leave me to tend my wounds

Your pain, charges through my mind,
Your pain, wrenches through my body
Your pain, screeches through my soul

Leave me to tend to my bruise

I remember,

You molest my joy
You assault my bliss
You bludgeon my peace

I do not wish to remember
I do not wish to forget

Leave me now
Stay forever

I remember!


Touch me
Touch my Neck
Touch my Skin

I feel your touch
I feel your tongue on my neck
I feel the warmth of your body on mine

Kiss me
Kiss my neck
Kiss my skin

I feel your kiss
I feel your kiss on my neck
I feel the touch of your hand in mine

Touch me
Feel me
Kiss me

I need your touch
I need your kiss
I need the ache of your body in mine